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Think of this as the Shen Bulletin Board, where we will post news, updates, announcements, events and other information pertinent to you, our customers, and to your shopping experience. Be sure to visit often to stay on top of all going on at Shen.

New Shen Gratitude

The Shen Gratitude Loyalty and referral program is now active. Earn points for each purchase and use them as cash in our store!  Plus you get a 25% discount coupon for each referral while they get a 15% discount on their first purchase, Shen gets to meet new friends and to provide our special selection healing, wellness and self-development products. Everyone benefits!

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New Blog Post: Stone Warrior Elixir

New post weekly, This week, read about Stone Warrior Elixir, one of our premier traditional herbal supplements from the Shen 5 Elements line of self-development herbal elixirs. 

A Word About Shipping

We have been receiving calls from customers asking when their order will be shipping.  We are always happy to hear from our valued customers and encourage you to call, email or message us with any questions you may have. This bulletin is meant to address this topic more globally and to provide some insight into our operation. 


At Shen, we are trying provide you with the best quality, most effective products you can find while also giving you a positive buying experience. This can turn into a juggling act sometimes. Why? Well, here are some of the challenges to faster shipping:


  1. we ship the lowest cost possible, which can mean a bit longer to deliver, Our go to is USPS and we love their ground advantage service for USA customers.

  2. we recycle our own packaging also to save, but more importantly as part of our environmental policy. This adds time to our process,

  3. We make most of the products we offer and we make them using traditional ways. All of our herbals are hand-crafted in the traditional ways that were handed down to Shen. We do not cut corners or use high volume equipment. â€‹â€‹


      4. ​We make some of our products to order. This       

          means we only start making the item, after we     

          receive payment. This is the only way we can     

          offer some of our handcrafted products, such as            our Iron Palm bags. It takes 2 days to finish a bag

      5. We ship internationally. Globally in fact. A majority

           of companies in our field do not ship outside of   

           the United States. The reasons are simple.... it is

           very expensive and it is risky. Shipments often get

           lost or damaged, there are customs red type to

           deal with and it is different in every country, We

           still do it in order to serve our supporters all 

           around the world and to be of benefit. It is 

           fraught with risk but we feel its worth doing. Still .

           delays can occur.

The bottom line is, we are doing the best we can but we do experience backlog and delay of shipments. We apologize for this and are putting a great effort to solve this and the good news is we are improving. When you have a delay in receiving your order, please contact us. We will update you of exactly where your order stands and when it will ship and follow up with tracking information. Finally, if you are in more urgent need of your order, please call and let us know. Urgency trumps first come first serve. In the end,. we are here to serve and our products are for the purpose of making things better. â€‹

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