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Latest notices, news, updates, announcements and relevant information. Check here often.

Thank You for Your Patience...
... during our facility improvements which actually extended to February 23. We are now able to craft more of our herbal products without altering our traditional methods and maintaining our superior quality and incomparable consistency.
We have shipped out all orders that were received during our shutdown have been shipped out and you should have or will be receiving your order soon.
At Shen Martial Arts, we are continuously working to improve your buying experience while providing the best value and quality anywhere.
Discontinuation of Shen Customer Service Telephone Line (442-341-3839).
Our dedicated telephone line will cease to function sometime by or before April 15th. The reason of this is that the line was not utilized by customers, whom opted to email or message as opposed to calling.
For those few of you that did use the customer service number, you can still call us. Just send us an email or message and express your need for a voice call. If you give us your number, we will call you. Otherwise, we will reply with a number that you can reach us at. We are not posting a number since it can vary.
At Shen our goal to provide you with the best possible customer service, to be accessible for your questions, comments, suggestions or consults and to make it simple to reach us. We will continue to respond to your inquiries and to resolve all issues promptly and effectively.
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